Cheap Like Your Mom

Eclectic. I think that pretty much describes it. Yep. Eclectic.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Don't know what you got 'til it's gone.

I never thought I would miss USF's administration, but then, I never knew it could be messed up as badly as FSU has. Apparently, everyone registers at the same time, a procedure that, if it were not done electronically, would surely cause a riot. At 8 a.m., they just yell "GO!" and inevitably overload the servers. I woke up at 7:30 to make sure I was ready at 8:00, and was promptly told that I needed to wait ten minutes and try again. After about twenty attempts, the message changed and told me that I had exceeded the maximum number of logins, and that I should call the system administrator. So I did. He told me that this meant that the maximum number of people were on the server at one time. Almost as soon as he started talking I realized that that's exactly what the message meant, but man was it written unclearly. Anyway, I continued trying to log in until 9:00 when I had to leave for class. After class, at 11:00, I finally got into the system. I went to register for my classes finally, and I was baffled to see that they think I owe them money. A lot of money. So I immediately went and tried to figure out why. I went to the site via the link that explicitly stated "click here to see your registration hold" and it said merely "you have a hold because you owe us [a whole lot of money]." This was incredibly redundant and thus not very helpful, so I called the phone number shown on this new screen. I got through, which is the first major obstacle, and was greeted by an automated voice that took me through five or ten minutes of menus, and when it finally transferred me to the office that I presume could have helped me, I received a busy signal. I will now go back and attempt to find another way to figure out why they think I owe them money, because they totally took my tuition out of my loan already. I don't know. Whatever. Hopefully my classes will still be open when I finally wade through the sea of red tape that is currently attempting to strangle me. Peace out, and word to your mothers.


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