Cheap Like Your Mom

Eclectic. I think that pretty much describes it. Yep. Eclectic.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Old Business and New (Warning: May include Halo talk)

As for old business, someone asked why my journal is named "Cheap Like Your Mom." Well, back when I was first starting playing music with Matt and Kevin, Matt and I thought that "Cheap Like Your Mom" would be a great name for the band. Kevin disagreed, and when Jared and Angela joined, they too disagreed. The vote being three to two against, we did not name ourselves "Cheap Like Your Mom," and instead decided upon "False Impression." Since then I have wanted to call something "Cheap Like Your Mom," and this (and my other webjournal) are available. At least until there are children to name. Just kidding (obviously, I hope).

As for new business, yesterday was a little lame. Not really a bad day, because nothing significantly bad happened. Just a lot of annoying stuff. I was a little late to my first class, but what really got to me was what happened an hour in. I had been paying attention, but I started thinking about the topic, mostly about how you would go about proving the exception he had been talking about, and all of a sudden he called my name. "Yes?"
Apparently that was the wrong response. I sat there and he just stared at me. It didn't take me long to realize that he had asked the question before calling my name. "Do you even know where we are?"
"Ummm?" I knew where we were a couple minutes ago, but we were at the end of discussing a case, I wasn't sure if we had moved to the next one, and I was for some reason afraid to chance it.
"Well for starters, Mr. Gardner, we are in Immigration Law, that's the blue book, by Legomsky."
Silence. I was waiting for him to repeat the question, since he had made it obvious that he knew that I didn't know what he had asked. After what felt like forever, but was really probably a minute and a half, he called on someone else. I talked to him after class, and I am not sure whether this makes it better or worse, but he apparently thought it was funny. He smiled and joked about it with me. I was truly confused.
The rest of the day was actually allright, but my first class loomed over my head and rained on my whole day. Then on the way home, I almost got hit twice. When I got home, I wanted to kill some people, so I got on Halo, and sucked horribly. It was very frustrating. It's most frustrating when you know that you are not performing as well as you could. So I stopped after three games, and decided I needed to take a nap and wake up like it was a new day. After an hour nap I woke up with a headache.

Luckily it went away almost as soon as I got up and started walking around, and the day did get better, as I had dinner with Adam, and it was the first time I ever enjoyed tuna salad. Then we played Halo with Erin. We didn't start until 9:30 or 9:45, but we had a lot of fun. We also did really well. I know that a good kill/death ratio is not the point of a capture the flag match, but when someone on the other team is bragging about his, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside to be able to point out calmly to him that I had both more kills and fewer deaths than him, even if we did tie in flag captures.

So today I went to class, which was uneventful, and then to work, which was also uneventful, except that Kevin let me off about 45 minutes early. So I came home, and played a little Halo again, just one game. One game is all it took. Everyone in the rumble pit match was higher rank than me (except one who was the same rank), and I destroyed them. Technically I only won by one kill. But I also had significantly fewer deaths than anyone on the board, and I ran a riot (killed ten people in a row without dying) with a sword/sniper combo. I figured that I wouldn't be able to do any better than that, so I put it away, and started writing this.

Sorry if the Halo talk was a little esoteric, but it's been pretty much the high point of the last day or so. Except of course for talking to Erin, and Adam's cooking. Peace out, and word to your mothers!


At 10/21/2005 11:03 PM, Blogger Janelle said...

Sorry yesterday sucked so bad ... but I'm glad today went better!


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