Cheap Like Your Mom

Eclectic. I think that pretty much describes it. Yep. Eclectic.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good:
I am excited about the party this weekend, and I look forward to seeing people. Speaking of Harry Potter, a friend found this band, Harry and the Potters. Indeed, Voldemort CAN'T stop the rock, though the quality of the rock that Voldemort cannot stop is... questionable. Also, creative juices are flowing, and my own song pieces are beginning to fall into place.

The Bad:
The rage in my heart cannot be measure by mortal means. FSU Law decided, apparently between the time I booked our reservation a few weeks ago, and now, that next year they want to start classes at the same time as the main campus, a week later than usual. This has it's benefits for most people. Thanksgiving will no longer be the last weekend before finals, and therefore people will have more of a chance to go home for Thanksgiving. This is because finals will be a week later. Which means that graduation will be a week later, December 16th. This would be entirely insignificant except that I am supposed to be getting married on the 17th. Even if I chose to skip walking, it is still not unlikely that I will have an exam the Friday preceeding, which is the night of the rehearsal, etc. MASSIVELY pissed. And the worst part is that I can't really get upset AT anyone or anything. It is a perfectly logical decision, if you don't have your own wedding that weekend. The only thing I can really be upset about is that they only published it 13 months in advance, which isn't really something I can bring myself to hate anyone for. Oh well, that'll teach me not to plan 14 months ahead, I guess. Again, furiously livid, but without a goat to scape.

The Ugly:
I didn't write anything the other day when Rob posted about conservatives, because I just wasn't in the mood to stir up a hornet's nest that day. And honestly, after the scheduling incident, I'm not today. However, I must point out that calling all conservatives prejudiced is in itself prejudice. I probably could have made that a comment instead of a post, but then I couldn't have had such a cool title. Anyway, being intelligent AND not prejudiced AND unselfish do not exclude one from being conservative. I do not consider myself to be on one side or the other, but the entire concept that giving one an education cause them to agree with you is contrary to the definition of an opinion, or contrary to the concept of an education being factually based. The person with that bumper sticker on their car is obviously a supreme douchebag, and it pisses me off too, but he doesn't represent the entire right anymore than people with "High Times" bumper stickers represent the whole left. Anyway, I am not trying to take one side over the other, but hating the other side is only divisive. No one is going to listen to you if you open your argument with "you are selfish and prejudiced, and my goal in this discussion is to fix you." It pisses me off to hear Bill O'Reilly make racist comments about the French too, but you can't let that make you hate "the right" or "conservatives," just Bill O'Reilly (who it is TOTALLY okay to hate, individually). All of this is of course just my opinion. Part of me doesn't want to post this for fear of making people feel that they cannot post their true feelings where I can read them. This would be horrible because I think that as important as freedom of expression is in society, it is especially important to strong friendships, but another part of me recognizes that not saying this for that reason would in fact be limiting freedom of expression between friends.

Anyway, I just heard someone say there is free pizza in the rotunda, and I have twenty more minutes until my next class, so I'm gonna go grab some, peace out and word to your mothers.


At 11/17/2005 4:19 PM, Blogger KEG said...

Psh, don't be worried about yelling at Rob. I yell at him ALL the time about it. It drives him nuts when I say just what you posted. (: I refuse to call myself a democrat, or liberal, or conservative democrt just because of the fact that most people automatically jump to conclusions about who you are. So I just say that I believe in Karenism, which means everything in balance. I can understand another person's views, even if I don't agree, and I can also allow myself to agree to disagree when I cannot even fathom another person's way of thinking.


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