Wading waist deep through molasses
That's about how I feel trying to write music lately. I have been trying for a week and have one riff down, and a possible intro to that riff. This is extra frustrating because I remember writing with a band, where we could seriously come up with two or three songs in a day, lyrics not included. There are three major differences, I think. First, there were more people, and second, more time. I never had to write all of the parts myself, because each person wrote their own part, and we would practice for at least four hours, sometimes six, whenever we met. Third, and perhaps most importantly, I didn't care as much. When there are four people, each of them knows that they are not going to get the song to be "perfect" because everyone disagrees on what perfect is. One person thinks perfect is having unusual time signatures, while others may think that perfect is something you can tap your foot to. Either way, one must compromise, and you can't make the song your version of "perfect". Contrast this to writing alone, where you can just sit on something for months thinking "it's almost perfect, but it needs something more, I just don't know what. Maybe I'll think of it next week." Oh well, I do have more pressing matters, finals are coming, and I need to finish my outlining. Also, I have to write the last paper for my Law and literature class that is chronicling the last century. What do you guys think are the biggest news stories since 1980? Since 2000? September 11th is pretty obvious, but other than that... Anyway, peace out, and word to your mothers!
Since 1980, the falling of the Berlin Wall, the Challenger accident, and OJ getting a "not guilty" verdict.
Since 2000, 9/11, WMD in Iraq (then not in Iraq), finding Saddam Hussein, and Britney Spears baby. (:
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