Cheap Like Your Mom

Eclectic. I think that pretty much describes it. Yep. Eclectic.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Let's get it on.

That is the song I had stuck in my head all day. I got some very odd looks from people as I walked down the hallways subconsciously humming and muttering the words. It is the song I woke up to this morning, because last night I remembered that I was tired of waking up to static in the mornings, but was too tired to find a radio station I actually liked, so I moved the dial to the first channel on which I could make out the words, which happened to be "Cool 99.9" Anyway, it was an interesting day, debating end of life issues in Bioethics, etc. No more classes for the rest of the semester, just the exams and some review sessions tomorrow. And it turns out that the profile class (where they center the curve around the class GPA average rather than middle C because there aren't enough people in the class to have a statistically sound sample size) is going to be centered around 81, which is awesome, compared to 75 (middle C). I'm excited, but that means that there are a lot of people in there who get very high grades, so it's still good news, but competition may be really tough. Anyway, speaking of grades, back to studying. Peace.


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