Cheap Like Your Mom

Eclectic. I think that pretty much describes it. Yep. Eclectic.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Unstoppable and Dominating

Yesterday was my first exam, and despite numerous roadblocks, I think I did really well. I got up at 7:00 am, and left by 7:30 for my 8:30 exam, figuring that having an extra half hour is a good thing. So I get there about twenty minutes left, because traffic eats poo. I go upstairs and get a bagel and some orange juice, which was surprisingly good AND surprisingly cheap. So I walked back out into the main area and saw a line of people getting their BAGS (Something Anonymous Grading System) numbers. It is at this point that I realize that I got my BAGS number last week because I wanted to be a non-procrastinator, and unfortunately it was sitting on my desk at home, and I could not remember it. So I got in the line and waited to find out what the BAGS number was that they had already given me. So it is now time for my exam, so I go up to the room where our class meets to find another class in there just beginning their exam. Crap, where is my exam meeting then? So I go to the administration office before I interrupt anymore exams, and they tell me they don't have a schedule, so they go on the FSU Law website for me and look it up and print it out, which is nice of them. So I get into the only room on the other side of the law school, and they had already started so I just got my stuff from the proctor and sat down. I was only about two minutes late, so I got started, and I think I did really well. I got pretty much everything in my notes into the exam some way or another, except for cybersquatting law, which didn't really fit since the internet wasn't mentioned anywhere in any of the three questions. Three hours later the exam ended, and I went to save my test to the network, and surprise, it didn't work. The tech guy helped me out and just pointed out that I needed to sign into the password protected network before I could save to it, and to do so I had to log out of the secure exam software, but that I could sign back in and then save it to the network. Before I signed out I saved it to a floppy, but their way worked too. Anyway, it worked out in the end, and I really think I did well. Now, Immigration tomorrow, Evidence the next day, and then Bioethics on Friday. Peace out, word to your mothers!


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