Cheap Like Your Mom

Eclectic. I think that pretty much describes it. Yep. Eclectic.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Today's evidence exam went well. There were 20 multiple choice questions, only one of which I wasn't sure of the answer to, after re-consulting the statutes. There were 12 short answer questions, only one of which I didn't know the answer to, again after re-consulting the statutes. There was one long essay with two main issues, one of which I nailed, the other one I floundered on but eventually found the answer to, and I managed to fit in several extraneous tidbits that may or may not help, but can't hurt. Why the term "re-consulting" with regard to the statutes? It was getting to the end of the test, and I was freaking out, when the professor walked in. She walked to the front of the room, and I was frantically making guesses at the last few multiple choice questions that I had narrowed to 50/50 and put on the back burner, and then she wrote on the board "1 hour remaining." In all the studying I forgot that evidence was worth four credit hours and thus had a four hour exam. I had finished the exam, except for one or two of the multiple choice questions I hadn't made a final guess on yet, so I spent the remaining hour checking my answers, which was good, because although there were only a couple I had wrong, there were alot that I had almost right. Anyway, it's over, I think it went really well, and I only have one more until a three day weekend before my very last one of the semester. Peace.


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