Cheap Like Your Mom

Eclectic. I think that pretty much describes it. Yep. Eclectic.

Monday, January 16, 2006


I decided not to drop dissolution. It is an omnipresent issue at almost every lawfirm I've looked at. It seems from some of the firms' web sites that dissolution is their cash cow, and their other cases are more a labor of love. You don't make much money on civil rights cases usually, unless you can get the ACLU or someone to back you, so when I see a firm that does civil rights law and dissolution of marriage, I see the latter funding the former. Hence, if I want to specialize in something I like, it seems like taking on something profitable as well (rather than instead) may be the way to go. Anyway, I have been playing a lot of guitar this weekend, and made some serious progress. I can actually play (and sing!) about 5 or 6 songs from memory now, all the way through, though not necessarily well (especially the singing); they pretty much all need practice. I am incredibly pleased with my progress though, and I really think that this will help me with my confidence in my guitar playing, as well as bringing new depth to my writing as I practice hearing music and words, as well as rhythms and melodies, together. Anyway, I visited Adam today, and he seemed great. I know it's been three days, and I didn't see him right after the surgery, but seriously, if it weren't for the lack of shaving, and the gown, and the tubes and stuff, I might not have even known that he had had surgery. The point is, he seems like he is doing awesome. Word. And Janelle has been there like 23 and a half hours a day (totally not exaggerating) for the last three or four days straight (still not exaggerating), so give her a hug too, if you see her (or a telehug if you call her). Anyway, I have class in the morning, so peace out, and word to your mothers.


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